
How To Design A School App Using Mit App Inventor

Design: Introduction & Development Process

Begin learning about the design process through an introduction to design and concept development.

Programming With App Inventor

Introduces App Inventor and what you can do with it, how to set it up and connect on your machine & device(s), how to build, edit, and share an app, and what Events based programming is.


Explore the differences between constructivism and constructionism, as well as between problem-based and project-based learning

Design: Needfinding

Learn about the importance of needfinding.

Programming With App Inventor

Discover the programming concepts of conditionals, lists, iteration and how to use this information while building apps.


Think about your comfort in teaching with technology as well as your comfort with failure. Further, think about how to infuse computing throughout the curriculum.

Design: Prototyping

Learn about and begin to work with prototyping.

Programming With App Inventor

Introduces to the programming concepts of procedures, variables, randomness, and basic algorithms as seen in apps. Additionally, covers different types and component properties.


What's a co-learner, anyway? How can a teacher be a co-learner with students? What are some indicators you can use to evaluate your own teaching in a digital age?

Design: Concept Selection

Go over the process of choosing a design and concept to use for your product.

Programming With App Inventor

Review and reinforce the programming concepts covered in the past two units, especially data and types. Also introduces the idea of persistence and how to use the TinyDB and TinyWebDB components.


Aligning computing to the Common Core standards, and building a Personal Learning Network (PLN).

Design: User Feedback

Examine the ideas of user testing and user feedback.

Programming With App Inventor

Introduces APIs and how to use resources from the Web in an app, storing data in Fusion Tables, and making apps with multiple screens.


And Now for Something Completely Different - Tips on Teaching in a Classroom with Computers

How To Design A School App Using Mit App Inventor


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