
How To Block Sites On Computer Windows 7

In that location are several reasons why you might desire to block sure websites on your computer. Some websites could be spreading viruses, contain explicit content or even be trying to steal your personal data. While y'all may well be more than capable of avoiding these websites, simply that doesn't stand true for every i who uses your device. In such cases, it might be best to block certain websites.

There are different ways to go about blocking websites. Y'all can choose to block websites but on specific browsers, the unabridged operating system, or indeed your network router. Here'due south how to block websites.

On your computer

If you desire to control admission to websites on just one motorcar, then y'all can set up block at the operating organisation level. This method for blocking websites is non too hard to configure and volition work across browsers.

How to Cake Any Website On Windows Computers

1 of the backbones of the Internet is the DNS organization that translates easy to remember (and type) names such as into equivalent IP addresses (8.8.8.eight). While y'all use DNS servers to get to websites, your computer also has something called a HOSTS file which tin have this information stored locally. This tin exist used to disable admission to unwanted websites. We checked this method with both Windows 7 and Windows 8.

1. Make sure you have administrator access on your computer. Sign in to your PC using an administrator account and go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\

2. Double-click the file named "hosts" and select Notepad from the listing of programs to open the file. Click OK. The last two lines of your hosts file should read "# localhost" and "# ::one localhost".

2a. In instance you lot tin can't edit the file, you'll need to right-click the file labelled hosts and select Properties. Click the Security tab, select the administrator account and click Edit.

2b. In the popular-up, select the business relationship again and cheque Full control. Click Apply > Yes. Now click OK in all pop-ups.

three. At the end of the file, you tin can add together the addresses of websites to cake. To practise this, just add a line at the end of the file, with and then the proper name of the site you want to block - this will redirect the site'due south proper noun to your local reckoner.

4. To block Google, for example, add " world wide" to the finish of the file without the quote marks. You can block as many sites as you want this manner, only remember you can only add one per line.

v. Repeat this stride until you've added all websites you want to block.

6. Now close the hosts file and click Save. Reboot your reckoner for the changes to take consequence and y'all'll detect that all those websites are now blocked.

How to Block Any Website On Windows Computers

How to Block Whatsoever Website On Your Mac

Here's how to block websites on Bone 10 .

  1. 1. Make certain you have ambassador access to your Mac. Now open Terminal. You lot can observe it under /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.
  2. 2. Type sudo nano /etc/hosts and press enter. Enter the user (login) password when prompted.
  3. 3. This will open up the file /etc/hosts in a text editor. Type the name of the website in a new line in this format "" (minus the quotes). For each website yous want to cake, start a new line and type the same control with just the proper noun of the website being replaced. When done, press ctrl+x and and then Y to salve changes.
  4. 4. Now key in the control sudo dscacheutil -flushcache and press Enter or restart your automobile to make sure the websites are blocked.

How to Block Whatever Website On Browser Level

Blocking a website on any browser is the easiest way to get the chore done.

On Firefox, yous can install an addon called BlockSite to cake website.

  1. Install the addon, press ctrl+shift+a, and click Extensions on the left. Now click Options nether BlockSite. In the pop-upward, click Add and blazon the proper noun of the website you want blocked. Echo the process for all websites yous don't want to access. Click OK.
  2. Now these websites will exist blocked on Firefox. Y'all can also set a countersign in BlockSite to forbid others from editing the list of blocked websites. This can exist done via the options carte du jour described in the previous footstep.

BlockSite is likewise bachelor on Google Chrome.

Internet Explorer lets you lot block websites easily. Here'southward how.

  • Open the browser and go to Tools (alt+x) > Cyberspace Options. Now click the security tab and then click the crimson Restricted sites icon. Click the Sites button below the icon.
  • Now in the pop-up, manually type the websites you want to block one-by-one. Click Add subsequently typing the name of each site. When done, click Shut and click OK in all other windows. Now these websites volition be blocked in Internet Explorer.

On your telephone or tablet

How to Block Any Website On Your iPhone and iPad

Apple has some handy parental control tools that let you cake certain websites. Here'south how.

  1. Go to Settings > General > Restrictions.
  2. Tap on Enable Restrictions. Now set a passcode for restrictions. This should ideally exist different from the passcode you lot use to unlock the phone.
  3. After the passcode is set up, ringlet down and tap Websites. Here y'all tin either choose to limit adult content, or allow access to specific websites only.
  4. In specific websites only, there's a curt list of immune websites including Discovery Kids and Disney, but you can also add sites by tapping on Add a Website.
  5. If you lot tap Limit adult content, Apple blocks websites that are accounted objectionable, but you can whitelist websites past tapping on Add a Website under Always Allow, or blacklist them past borer on it under Never Permit.
  6. If you try to admission a blocked website, yous run across a message telling you it is restricted. Tap the Let Website and key in the Restrictions passcode to open that website.

How to Block Any Website On Your iPhone and iPad

How to Block Whatever Website On Your Android Telephone

On Android, there are a couple of different things you can practise. If you take a rooted telephone, you can block websites by editing the hosts file on your device to redirect sites you want to block. You lot'll need a file manager, and a text editor - the easiest option is to use our favourite app ES File Explorer, which lets you do both things. Here's how it works.

  1. Install ES File Explorer. Open ES File Explorer and tap the menu button at the top left. Tap on Local > Device > system > etc.
  2. In this binder, you'll come across the file named hosts - tap it and in the pop upwardly carte, tap text. In the next pop up, tap ES Note Editor.
  3. Tap the edit button in the top bar.
  4. Now, you're editing the file, and to block sites, you want to redirect their DNS. To do this, just start a new line, and blazon "" (without the quotes, where blocked website is the name of the site you're blocking) for each website you want to cake. For instance, you'll have to blazon to cake Google.
  5. Reboot your Android device.

If that method is too complex for you, you can install an anti-virus app such as Trend Micro that lets you block websites.

  1. Install the app and run it. Become to Options > Safe surfing.
  2. Now swipe to Parental Controls and click prepare account. Create an account and you'll see an pick called Blocked Listing in the app. Tap information technology, and tap Add. Now add together the websites you want to block one at a time. Once that is done, you won't be able to admission these websites on your Android smartphone.

How to Cake Any Website On Windows Phone

Y'all tin't do a full block of websites on Windows Phone, buy yous tin download the AVG Family unit Rubber browser. By default it blocks websites with malicious or explicit content, and if you buy an AVG anti-virus licence and create an business relationship, you lot tin can customise the listing of blocked websites.

How to Block Any Website On Your Network

If you lot have a Wi-Fi network in the firm, then it is easier to but gear up a block on unwanted websites via your Wi-Fi router. Well-nigh routers don't take very user friendly interfaces, so this can exist a piddling daunting, and of course, the steps can vary for each router, but the basic process you follow is pretty similar, so if y'all're merely a footling patient, this is actually pretty easy.

Changing the wrong setting could accidentally de-actuate your connectedness, so if you get stuck, call your ISP right away.

  1. Nosotros tried this on a Beetel 450TC1 router provided by MTNL in Delhi, and with a Binatone Router provided by Airtel. The steps were exactly the aforementioned for both. To start, you demand to go to your router's settings. Open any browser and type in the address bar. Press Enter. Some routers use a unlike address, then if this doesn't work, check and see if it is mentioned in the documentation from your ISP.
  2. Now you will take to enter a username and password. This would have been prepare during the installation of your connection - defaults are usually username: admin, and password: password. If not, check with your ISP and get the correct username and countersign.
  3. Equally mentioned earlier, the interface can differ. In our MTNL router, we found that we could block websites under Access Management > Filter.
  4. Here in that location's a drop-downward menu chosen Filter blazon pick. Nosotros selected URL Filter and typed the website nosotros wanted to block in the URL field beneath. Above this field, there is an choice chosen Active. Here nosotros saw two buttons, Yes and No. We selected Yes and hitting Relieve. This blocked the website on our network.
  5. You can create 16 lists of blocked websites, each containing 16 websites, using this method, letting you block up to 256 websites. Again, this will vary from router or router.

This guide should accept helped you block websites on almost whatsoever device. If you lot know whatever other methods to cake sites, let u.s. know via the comments. For more than tutorials, visit our How to section.


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